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Prayer Ministry

IWe want to encourage you to remember that the Bible reminds us that by the blood of Jesus you have been made free and that you can, in the strength of Christ, accomplish and achieve anything that you put your mind to. “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” (Galatians 5:1) I declare to you that circumstances that try to rob you of who you are in Christ will not succeed.

Regardless of your present condition or how difficult it may appear, God has more for you. You are set up for the greatest increase of your life right now! I want you to know that you are not the negative thoughts that the enemy has tried to plant in your mind. Your life may have been difficult, but your choice to stay connected to the Anointing will bring greater increase in your life. The Lord says, “As you refuse to give in, know that there is so much more in your immediate future.”

God has placed something great and mighty inside of you. When opposition shows up and tries to interrupt the process of greatness, I want you to shout, “INCREASE ME OH LORD!”

Youth Ministry

Tree of Life Church Ministries is to provide a Christ-Centered Youth Ministry so young people can:

          Know Christ

          Grow in Christ

          Become Like Christ

          Go and serve in Christ’s Love


Providing a Christ centered youth group where young people can know Christ means leading them to:

- Recognize their sin

- Repent from their sin

- Accept and believe Christ as the means to salvation


Providing a place for them to grow in their relationship Christ means teaching them to:

-         Hear the Word of God

-         Study the Word of God

-         Actively participating in worship

-         Develop the discipline of prayer 

-         Deepen their faith through relationships with other believers


Providing a place for them to become like Christ means directing them to:

-         Pattern their lives after Christ and His teachings

-         Learn from mature believers

-         Live according to God’s Word

-         Be encouraged in their faith by one another


Providing a place for them to go and serve Christ in love means equipping them to:

-         Understand the importance of service

-         See Christ in themselves

-         See Christ in others

-         Realize each persons gifts and how to use them for Christ


Tree of Life Church Ministries exists to bring the Kingdom of God to this world through reaching, teaching, equipping and sending young people to do God’s will.

Happy Family
Music Ministry

The Mission of the Music Ministry is to please God through our lifestyle and by providing praise, worship, and music that brings others to Christ and edifies the Tree of Life  Church membership, the community and the greater Atlanta Area.

Marriage Class " UNITY"

We believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one man and one woman in a single, exclusive union, as delineated in Scripture. (Gen 2:18-25.) We believe that God intends sexual intimacy to occur only between a man and a woman who are married to each other. (1 Cor 6:18; 7:2-5; Heb 13:4.) We believe that God has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of a marriage between one man and one woman. In order to keep the marriage stronger, it's always good to talk and discuss how to make it batter. If you are looking for that, then this is the class you have to join.

Elders/Seniors Ministry

 It is the desire of the ministry to provide activities, and fellowship for the seasoned members of the church. To remind them that they are still needed in the work of the Lord and to allow them every opportunity to share their gifts, wisdom and knowledge with others as they continue their walk with the Lord. To promote spiritual, intellectual, social, and emotional growth through a variety of wholesome activities that challenge and stimulate older adults to explore areas that will enhance a healthy and vital lifestyle that glorifies God.

Minister's Staff

The specific responsibilities of a staff minister are defined by their call at the local congregation, but frequently they assist with evangelism, youth and family ministry, member care, music ministries, congregational administration. Staff ministers have also been called to work in non-parish organizations such as outreach, institutional ministry.

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